segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2008

A decade ago, pilot

«Dear Sally... you should probably be sitting down for this. First of all, everything was perfectly fine. I mean, you know, on paper. High school was going exactly as it was suppose to. I mean, in three months, I'd be at Stanford pre-med; then in four years in Stanford med school. Then I'd start my four year residency at one of the Stanford hospitals. My dad was thrilled. You know, because he's basically had my life planned out for me since I was pretty much a zygote.

I was surrounded by people. Actually looking forward to their lives. My parents reaction was typically understated.»

They say crash victims — people who lose a limb — that they can still feel their missing arm or leg, even after it's gone. It's called phantom pain, right? Well, suddenly, I had this horrible thought. What if high school went away but the feeling of it didn't? I mean I didn't feel joy... or sorrow... or anticipation. Things were going so well, but all I could feel was.... was dread.

It's funny, sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can pretty much change your life forever.

sábado, 27 de setembro de 2008

[title of post]

de um musical sobre escrever um musical na broadway, [title of show], este refrão absolutamente genial:

I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing
Than a hundred people's ninth favorite thing

(Entrevista e performance do elenco no Studio 360 da WNYC. Nine people's favorite thing, a partir do 8:50.)
life's strangest week ever

a minha vida é tão absurdamente estranha que a minha mãe me perguntou se eu não queria ir em part-time para um call center.

depois houve uma espécie de golpe de estado. ou um contra-golpe. ou algo que o valha. 

the wait's begun again/the long wait for the angel/for that rare, random descent

e o Paul Newman morreu, o que faz com que a semana acabe ainda pior.

Perdi os meus óculos de sol. Adivinhem a quem atribuo a culpa!!!!

quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2008

life's most boring week ever

sábado, 20 de setembro de 2008

The Lost Decade

Like South America's 1980s and Japan's 1990s, I'm getting the impression that the first decade of the century, the first decade of the millenium, is my «lost decade». 

born too early? born too soon?
who's lost with me?

please say "I".

quinta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2008

Em Roma, sê romano

Isto responde a Átia, no seu perfeito latim britânico, quando a filha lhe pergunta porque tortura um escravo que tentara matar a mãe, se ela já sabia de quem tinham vindo as ordens:

Because it isn't a legal confession unless there's torture.

Isto é tão Século XXI! É só substituir escravo por presumível terrorista ou enemy combatant.

(Quem é anacrónico, afinal?)

quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2008

queria tanto ir para a praia só mais um dia.
só mais um.
i'm getting whiter and whiter...

(150 concelhos to go)

quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2008

sex and the small town america

As I heard Senator Joe Biden describe Governor Palin's extremely restrictive stance on abortion as «a backward step for women»,

I couldn't help but wonder... isn't it «a backward step»... for men too?


and i'm not being ironic.
please discuss.

terça-feira, 9 de setembro de 2008

eu quero ser o ryan adams

research and quantitative methods bore me to death.
this shit sucks. 
i'd rather paint my nails green!!

300 concelhos to go!

não me voltam a apanhar numa destas...

quinta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2008

numbness por uns dias

me voy de vacaciones.
ou algo assim.

Welcome to Sesimbra...Beach!

Aqui fica o Gila dos Beach House

terça-feira, 2 de setembro de 2008

Meet the McCain-Palins

hello writers:

let's come up with stories for this wonderful cast. I go first: there's a pregant teen! And they have no idea how many houses they have!

This fall on the GOP network.